We’re looking for a jury. You know, the awesome folks who choose the films. Deadline for nominations is January 1, 2007. Jury members should have as many of the following skills/attributes as possible:
Available in March to review films
Into bike culture or film culture
Someone who rides a bike at least on occasion
Creative, fun, friendly, interesting, a team playerTo nominate, send us the following info ASAP:
Name of nominee
Your name
Why you think the person should be nominated
Contact info for the nominee (phone/e-mail)
I would like to invite Todd Boulanger of the Vancouver Dept. of Transportation. He is most solid representative north of the river.Scott Bricker knows him and can give you his contact email address and phone number.
my home number is 360-883-2401
Hey Calvin,
Thanks for the great suggestion. Todd was on the Jury in 2006 so he’s not eligible for 2007, but I agree, he’s one of the best advocates cyclists have in the Vancouver area. He was an EXCELLENT addition to the 2006 jury, for sure.
… Ayleen